The Blue Nile Falls, also known as Tis Abay, is a waterfall on the Blue Nile river in West Gojjam, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. It is one of Ethiopia’s best-known tourist attractions.
The falls are 42 meters (138 ft) high, consisting of four streams that vary from a trickle in the dry season to over 400 meters wide in the rainy season. The falls are located about 30 kilometers (19 mi) downstream from the town of Bahir Dar and Lake Tana.
The Blue Nile Falls are famous for their dramatic beauty. The water plunges over the edge of the cliff in a thunderous roar, creating a cloud of mist that can be seen for miles around. The falls are especially impressive during the rainy season, when the water flow is at its highest.
There are several ways to experience the Blue Nile Falls. You can walk to the top of the falls and get a bird’s-eye view, or you can take a boat ride to the bottom of the falls and get up close to the action. There are also several hiking trails in the area that offer stunning views of the falls.
The best time to visit the Blue Nile Falls is during the rainy season, from June to September. However, the falls are also beautiful during the dry season, from October to May.